Dni: 53

Chrysanthos Syngelakis SAKraj: Greece

Chrysanthos Syngelakis SA

As, on a global scale, health and wellbeing considerations are becoming more and more intense, consumers make a swift to the renowned benefits of the Greek diet that is mainly based on the daily consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. Continuous investment in state of the art facilities and equipment in the areas of vegetable standardization, packaging, transportation, storage and conservation, have positioned the company as one of the most respected and acknowledged exporters of its field. By 2006, the overall infrastructure modernization project was successfully completed, allowing the company to reach its full potential in the local and international markets. At present, Syngelakis Chrysanthos SA product line is comprised of fresh Greek vegetables such as cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, grapes and eggplants, which are produced on the island of Crete and conform to the highest quality standards.


