Dni: 53

DriedFlowers Van der Spek Kraj: The Netherlands

DriedFlowers Van der Spek

Already 35 years we are dealing with our passion: driedflowers. We grow, harvest, dry and produce the best quality dried flowers and we can produce them if desired according to your wishes. Sowing driedflowers begins March-April and the harvesting and drying is done, at the right time when the product is ready according to the eye of the master him self, in the months of June - August so optimal quality of the driedflowers is guaranteed. We sell our dry flowers' year round. Through our central location in the Netherlands, we supply to many flower-wholesalers and exporters on the flower auctions. Through our consistent top quality and ideal location, our dried flowers find their way around the whole world. Are you ready to be importer of our top quality driedflowers?


