Days: 53



of the Exhibition on Fresh Market 2022 B2B Meeting and Trade Show organized by KJOW Sp. z o.o.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The provisions of these Regulations (“Exhibition Regulations”) shall be binding on all participants of the Exhibition organized by KJOW Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Pruszków 05-803, Marii 17/25, entered in the National Court Register under the No. 0000321131 (“Organizer”).

1.2. The Exhibitor’s sending to the Organizer (via e-mail or on by site of a „ORDER FORM Fresh Market 2022”or " , legibly signed by authorized persons and filled-in properly, and the Organizer’s acknowledgment of the Form receipt shall be deemed the conclusion of a legally binding Stand Rental Agreement obliging the Exhibitor to pay the Organizer any and all amounts stated therein.

1.3. The provisions of these Regulations are an integral part of the „ORDER FORM Fresh Market 2022”. The provisions of these Regulations shall apply to the Stand Rental Agreement.


2. Terms and Conditions of Participation in Exhibition

2.1. Any legal person, natural person or organizational unit which has legal capacity under the law that presents its commercial offer at the Exhibition under the Stand Rental Agreement, such offer being accepted by the Organizer and compliant with the Exhibition area of interest, may be the Exhibitor (“Exhibitor”).

2.2. The conclusion of a legally binding Stand Rental Agreement between the Organizer and the Exhibitor shall take place upon the Exhibitor’s sending to the Organizer, via electronic mail (e-mail) at least, a „ORDER FORM Fresh Market 2022”, legibly filled-in and signed by authorized persons, and upon the Organizer’s confirmation of the „ORDER FORM Fresh Market 2022” acceptance, to be made via electronic mail (e-mail) at least. The registration shall be confirmed by the Organizer, as referred to in the preceding sentence, within 3 business days of the date of serving the „ORDER FORM Fresh Market 2022”, properly filled-in, signed by authorized persons on behalf of the Exhibitor and sealed, to the address given by the Organizer, and the payment of the amount stated in the „ORDER FORM Fresh Market 2022”, on the basis of a VAT invoice issued by the Organizer.

2.3. The conclusion of an agreement between the Exhibitor and the Organizer shall oblige the Exhibitor to:

a) make all payments under the concluded agreement, pursuant to rules and within the time limits set out therein;

b) deliver via e-mail specified by the Organizer documents related to the Exhibitor’s participation in the Exhibition as the Organizer may require.

2.4. The Organizer reserves the right to refuse to accept a „ORDER FORM Fresh Market 2022” in the case where the „ORDER FORM Fresh Market 2022” is submitted to the Organizer after the expiry of the time limit fixed therein and in other specially justified cases; in such case, the Organizer shall notify the Exhibitor of such refusal in writing within 7 business days of the „ORDER FORM Fresh Market 2022” filing date.

2.5. In the case the Organizer refuse to confirm the acceptance of the Exhibitor’s „ORDER FORM Fresh Market 2022”, the Exhibitor shall be entitled to be reimbursed for all amounts paid in. However, the Exhibitor shall not have the right to make any other claims in this respect.

2.6. The minimum exhibition area to be ordered is:

•       6 sqm for a stand in a line of stands;

•       6 sqm for a corner stand (open from 2 sides)

•       6 sqm for unbuilt stand.


3. Terms and Times of Payments

3.1. The amount of fees for participating in the Exhibition shall be each time fixed by the Organizer. The amounts due under the agreement shall be the Organizer’s remuneration for preparing, holding, and completing the Exhibition.

3.2. The conclusion of the Stand Rental Agreement shall oblige the Exhibitor to pay to the Organizer’s bank account the full fee for the leased area within the time limit set in the VAT invoice issued by the Organizer.

3.3. VAT invoices shall be issued in the currency of the prices.

3.4. If the „ORDER FORM Fresh Market 2022” referred to in clause 2.2 is changed later than 20 days before the Exhibition opening date, an additional amount, if any, shall be paid within the time limit stated in the invoice.

3.5. In the case of late payment the Exhibitor shall pay interest at the rate of 0.5% per each day of delay on the amount stated in the VAT invoice but no more than 30% of the total amount fixed in the „ORDER FORM Fresh Market 2022”.

3.6. As a condition for providing the exhibition area and any additional services ordered via the forms sent in, the Exhibitor shall pay all fees related to its participation in the Exhibition. If the amounts due are not paid or if relevant payment receipts are not submitted, the Organizer shall have the right to make a statement of its intent to terminate the agreements with the Exhibitor and to refuse the Exhibitor access to the Exhibition area.

4. Resignation from Participation in the Exhibition

4.1. The Exhibitor shall have the right to resign from participation in the Exhibition provided that it notifies the Organizer of such resignation at least 60 days before the Exhibition opening day and further provided that such notice must be given in writing to be valid. In such a case, the Organizer shall have the right to charge 50% of fees fixed in the „ORDER FORM Fresh Market 2022”. The notice filing day shall be deemed the day of the notice delivery via e-mail to the Organizer’s server.

4.2. If the Exhibitor communicates its resignation from participation in the Exhibition later than 60 days before the Exhibition opening day, the Exhibitor shall not be entitled to the reimbursement for the amounts paid in and all evidenced costs paid by the Organizer in connection with such Exhibitor’s registration and its subsequent resignation.

4.3. The Exhibitor’s failure to appear at the Exhibition on its opening day shall also be considered resignation from participation therein. The above shall not release the Exhibitor from the duty to pay all fees in full amount.

5. Design and Development of the Exhibition Area and of the Stand

5.1. If the Exhibitor orders a developed area, the Organizer shall ensure a standard stand with such equipment as described in detail in the „ORDER FORM Fresh Market 2022” and at

5.2. The general contractor of stand development works shall be Kriss-pol Krzysztof Białczyk, ul. Keniga 6 m. 75 , 02-495 Warszawa , NIP 522-212-89-09

5.3. The Exhibitor which ordered  from Organizer the developed stand building shall:

a) arrange the stand and prepare it for display by 22.09.2022,by 8:30 a.m.;

b) return the stand in the previous condition and in the case of any damage pay 100% of repair or replacement cost pursuant to the documents produced by the Organizer


5.4. The Exhibitor which ordered the stand development from a third party other than the one suggested by the Organizer shall:

a) communicate the following data in writing to the Organizer: business name, address, contact details, and NIP No. of the company to perform the stand development and the details of the person for development contacts (“FORM “A” STAND CONSTRUCTOR DECLARATION” appended to the „ORDER FORM Fresh Market 2022”);

b) consult with the Organizer the design of: leased area development, wiring, and water supply and discharge system, and submit the same to the Organizer for approval no later than 20 days before the Exhibition opening day. The Organizer reserves the right to refuse its consent to the stand development and to refuse the access to the Exhibition premises to any entity providing development services in the case where such entity fails to meet the obligations set out in this clause or where the proposed design violates the provisions of the Exhibition Regulation or Mazurkas Conference Center Regulations;

c) make a written statement of liability for performing the development, the wiring, and the water supply and discharge system in compliance with applicable legal regulations.

5.5. The Exhibitor shall be liable for the acts and omissions of the stand development contractor as for its own ones, which shall include liability for such contractor’s compliance with the fire-protection and EHS regulations in force at the Exhibition premises and for any damage caused thereby. If any violations are found in the abovementioned scope, the Organizer shall have the right to demand discontinuance of the violations, and if they are still continued the Organizer shall have the right to terminate the agreement(s) with immediate effect and to prohibit the Exhibitor the access to the Exhibition area.

5.6. It shall be prohibited to reinstall the display or to take the exhibits away during the Exhibition.

5.7. The Exhibitor shall clean up any debris remaining after the stand development and reinstallation immediately after the completion of such development and reinstallation, respectively, and shall restore the leased exhibition area to the original condition within the time limit set by the Organizer. If the exhibition area is not left in an orderly condition, the Organizer shall have it cleaned up at the Exhibitor’s expense.

5.8. The Exhibitor shall choose its stand location itself. The Organizer reserves the right to change the assigned stand location for design-related, technical or organizational reasons. In such a case, the Exhibitor cannot claim any indemnity from the Organizer.

6. Coexhibitors

6.1. A Coexhibitor is an entity which does not rent any area directly from the Organizer but which is actually present at the Exhibitor’s stand and displays its products or services there.

6.2. The Exhibitor shall register its Coexhibitors using “FORM “B” COEXHIBITOR REGISTRATION” representing an appendix to the „ORDER FORM Fresh Market 2022”.

6.3. Coexhibitors shall enjoy the same rights as Exhibitors and shall comply with the Exhibition Regulations. The Exhibitor shall be liable for its Coexhibitors’ acts and omissions as for its own ones.

6.4. The Exhibitor shall not be allowed to sublet or otherwise transfer its stand to other entities without the Organizer’s written consent.

7. Exhibits

7.1. The Exhibitor shall clearly mark its movables located within the leased area (“exhibits”).

7.2. Exhibits cannot be placed in passageways nor prevent or hinder the safe movement of participants and visitors within the Exhibition area.

7.3. It shall be prohibited to hang on or stick onto Mazurkas Conference Centre interior walls any exhibits, other stand equipment items or advertisements without the Exhibition Organizer’s prior written consent.

7.4. The Organizer reserves the right to refuse its consent to the installation of any exhibits which the Organizer considers hazardous or arduous or which require special conditions.

7.5. Any exhibits which require special technical conditions or security precautions may be displayed upon their registration and upon the Organizer’s written consent only.

7.6. The Exhibitor shall remain fully liable for its exhibits, including, without limitation, any damage caused thereby, proper protection thereof (also after the Exhibition end), their compliance with any standards required under legal regulations, and the obtaining of all required certificates and certifications related thereto.

8. Exhibition Organization and Regulations

8.1. The Exhibitor shall comply with the construction and fire-protection legal regulations binding in the Exhibition area.

8.2. Dates and opening hours of the Exhibition, the periods of stand installation and reinstallation, and the opening hours of the Exhibition room and area are provided in “Important dates and times” tab on the Exhibition Website (

8.3. Stands shall be available to other Fresh Market’s participants at all times during the Exhibition opening hours. Any temporary closing of a stand requires the Organizer’s prior consent.

8.4. It shall not be allowed to display or show at stands or to conduct retail sale of any goods or services which are not in line with the Exhibition area of interest. On the Organizer’s request, the Exhibitor shall stop displaying such goods or services and take such exhibits from the stand at its own expense. Otherwise, the Organizer shall have the exhibits taken away from the stand or have the stand closed at the Exhibitor’s cost and expense.

8.5. Installation time may be extended in the case where it is justified by unforeseeable circumstances, on condition of obtaining the Organizer’s consent, the payment of an additional fee per each commenced hour of extended installation time, and the payment for individual stand security covering such extended installation time.

8.6. During the Exhibition, both the Exhibitor and its representatives shall be obliged to wear identity badges received from the Organizer.

8.7. In addition to its stand staff, the Exhibitor has no right to invite another person to the Exhibition that did not pay a Participation fee.

8.8. Stand cleaning shall take place either before opening or after closing the Exhibition.

8.9. Any property left by the Exhibitor in the Exhibition area shall be considered abandoned and shall become the Organizer’s property at no indemnification to the Exhibitor.

9. Safety. Insurance

9.1. The Organizer shall provide the facility security during the Exhibition.

9.2. The Exhibitors shall take out insurance of its property in their own name and on their own account.

9.3. The Organizer shall not be liable for any damage caused to the Exhibitors or to the entities performing work ordered by the Exhibitors which arises in the facilities and within the area of the Exhibition, whether before, during or after the Exhibition, other than damage caused through the Organizer’s willful misconduct. The Organizer shall not be liable either for any damage caused as a result of burglary, theft, an act of God (thunder strike, hurricane, flooding, fire or explosion) or interruptions in the supply of water or power or the provision of other additional services specified in the “ORDER FORM for Advertisement Services Fresh Market 2022” if such interruptions are not attributable to the Organizer.

9.4. The Exhibitor shall immediately report any damage to the Organizer or Security Guard.

9.5. The Exhibitor shall maintain third party liability insurance covering its participation in the Exhibition. The Exhibitor shall be fully liable for any damage caused to third parties and to the Organizer, whether before, during or directly after the Exhibition.

10. Brochures, Advertising, Side Events

10.1. The Organizer shall not be liable for any editing mistakes or omissions in the brochure.

10.2. Any presentations, advertising actions, promotions and competitions may be held during the Exhibition in compliance with legal regulations and upon the Organizer’s prior written consent, provided that they cannot disturb other Exhibitors in any way or interfere with the general order of the Exhibition.

10.3. It shall not be allowed to film or take pictures of exhibits displayed at the Exhibitor’s stand without such Exhibitor’s consent.

10.4. The Organizer reserves the right to make pictures of and to film the stands and to use such material for its own promotion purposes, without any obligation towards the Exhibitors or third parties, and the Exhibitor accepts the above.

10.5. In the case of reproducing music or other audiovisual material, the Exhibitor shall pay any amounts due for copyrights or public reproduction due under the Copyright and Related Rights Act. The Organizer shall not be liable for any third party claims in this respect. The Exhibitor shall secure, with its own funds, any and all copyrights in connection with using the objects of intellectual property during participation in the Exhibition (inventions, utility designs, copyrights in music or audiovisual material reproduced to the public). The Organizer shall not be liable for any third party claims in this respect.

10.6. Any advertising outside the Exhibitor’s stand shall require the Organizer’s prior written consent and the payment of relevant fee. Any advertisements installed without the Organizer’s consent shall be deinstalled at the Exhibitor’s expense.

11. Complaints and Claims

11.1. Any complaints and claims related to participation in the Exhibition must be reported in writing to be valid and shall be communicated directly to the Organizer on the end of the day of the Exhibition, at the latest. No complaints or claims shall be examined if filed upon the expiry of this time limit.

11.2. Each complaint shall be examined within 30 days of the date of its receipt by the Organizer.

11.3. The Organizer shall notify the Exhibitor in writing about the complaint examination result.

11.4. No additional arrangements between the Organizer and the Exhibitor shall be valid unless made in writing.

12. Final Provisions

12.1. The provisions of these Regulations shall also apply to the entities performing operations under agreements concluded with the Exhibitors, including those providing the development services for the Exhibitors.

12.2. The Organizer shall not be liable for any unavoidable events of accidental or natural (calamity) nature which are beyond control of either Party, such as, without limitation, flood, hurricane, earthquake, storm, blizzard, acts of legislative and enforcement authorities and administrative decisions.

12.3. The Organizer reserves the right to cancel, partially close, shorten or change the time of the Exhibition for reasons not attributable to the Organizer. In such cases, the Exhibitor shall not be entitled to any indemnity or to any reduction in the fees for Exhibition area lease.

12.4. Should the Exhibition be canceled for reasons attributable to the Organizer, the Exhibitor shall be entitled to the reimbursement for the amounts paid in, without any interest or indemnity.

12.5. The Organizer reserves the right to make amendments or additions to the regulations, by way of signing addendum(s) to the agreement(s).

12.6. These Regulations were executed in two language versions. In the case of any discrepancies between the Polish and English-language version, the Polish version shall prevail.

12.7. Any disputes arising out of participation in the Exhibition organized by KJOW Sp. z o.o. and from the provision of services ordered by the Exhibition participants shall be settled by the materially competent common court in Warsaw.

12.8. Any issues which are not specifically regulated by these Regulations shall be governed by the legal regulations in force in Poland.

